3 learnings from trading businesses
This Week@Work there are fundamental lessons we can draw from trading businesses that apply to all businesses: Balancing supply & demand; customer concentration, and managing working capital.
This Week@Work there are fundamental lessons we can draw from trading businesses that apply to all businesses: Balancing supply & demand; customer concentration, and managing working capital.
This Week@Work define your to power you, your team, your customers and your suppliers to drive progress and profit
This Week@Work business growth demands not only a growth intention, but team buy-in and clear actions to deliver the plan
This Week@Work, if relationships build and grow a business, but you’re not the one who holds those relationships – you’ve got to start building your own.
This Week@Work, be bold enough to set your company enterprise value as your destination and revisit it every year with a view to have a 3-year path towards achieving that destination.
In the ever-changing landscape of business, where startups can skyrocket or vanish overnight, the journey from small business owner to industry veteran is nothing short of remarkable. What should you do when you’ve built a successful business over two, three, or four decades? Should you retire, or should you continue running the show until the end?
This Week@Work, if you try being all things to all people you end up being nothing to anyone. So how do you decide who it is you wish to serve? And how do you decide who you don’t?! This is the difficult but essential work of positioning your business effectively to outcompete.
This Week@Work 86 established business owners voiced their big challenges at a scale-grow full day workshop.
What are yours?
In this article, first published in Business Leader, I shares Rituals, Routines, and Habits: The Blueprint for Transforming Your Business Growth.
In this article, first published in Elite Business, I Explore being wary of false prophets and white knights as you scale and grow your business